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Showing posts from July, 2018

What Do You Mean By Wedding Invitation?

  Wedding Invitation Online | Image Resource : Wedding is something which holds a deep meaning. It is when two individuals take some common vows to spend their entire life together after they attain a certain age and feels that it the time for them to get together. The promise to dream together and support each other through thick and thins. The letter that helps to ask the guests to attain a marriage ceremony is known as wedding invitation. Previously it was written formally and people used to visit their guests in person to convey the letters, but now this letter is replaced with many things like videos, animations, graphics, etc. This is the first and foremost thing that needs to be done when it comes to wedding. It involves many a thing. Things involved in Wedding Invitation The name of the bride and the groom . The name of their family members, mainly mother and father. Residential address of both the families. The wordings to be used in t

Gain Knowledge About The Materials Used In 3D Printing

Materials Used In 3D Printing | Image Resource : The fast development of technology has given rise to the techniques of 3D printing, which is now successfully adopted by many industries. 3D printing is practiced both in large commercial level and also in a personal level, for which the 3D printers are also available in varying sizes. The people newly associated with this business should be aware of all the materials used in 3D printing , which they need to buy from the reliable suppliers only. Cheapest materials used in 3D printing of objects commonly used The synthetically produced ABS plastic is known to be the cheapest material that can be used for 3D printing. The actual chemical name of this plastic is Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene and it is highly preferred for making the drain pipes, electronic units, different car parts, various types of cases and holders, due to its strength and durability. As this plastic can absorb shocks, it is